Here are my very first impressions after driving the car for less than an hour:
-The shifter is a bit rubbery. But the clutch is much more forgiving than the Solstice I had a couple of weeks ago.
-The interior looks surprisingly upscale.
- I can't stand the creaky sound the interior door handle make when you press it.
-I can't lower the seat enough. I guess people are so used to these fu@#$ing SUVS that most cars have to be high too...
-The ride is super smooth. Better than some $30 000 cars. (This one retails for about $13 000)
-Fit and finish is impressive.
-A super roomy interior.
-Engine is average smooth. But freeway driving seems pretty busy. I kept checking to make sure, but yes, I was in 5th...
More later...
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